Be a Remote Workplace Rock Star!

Join us for this No Cost, No Travel online event! You will learn how HR and IT can work together to help employees stay productive and safe during the crisis, and come out stronger and more competitive than ever before.

We'll share relevant discussion and practical lessons and applications you'll be able to take back and implement in your workplace. 

Featured Speakers

Key Topics We'll Be Discussing

Accelerating Work-From-Home Onboarding

Successful onboarding doesn’t end on the first day, first week, or even first year. It requires a constant and personalized commitment to employee success throughout their life as an employee.

Extending Security Beyond the Office

Today’s modern, consumer-driven technology can only reach its potential in transforming work if we break down the vertical silos of the consumer giants, and the silos within our own teams.

Embracing and Enabling a Remote-First Culture During This Time of Crisis

We believe that you must build a digital environment,  management culture, and employee policies to support the success of the most remote employee to ensure that every employee can be successful.

